Hey Gorilla fans! This is a logo design I came up with for a commission for a website, I used and existing idea they had and developed It into this finished design. It hasn't gone online yet so there might be some small alterations still to come, but this is the design so far......
Saturday, 2 March 2013
Monday, 25 February 2013
7" Artwork for the album 'Scent of a Wolf' by Alexiemartov
Artwork for my most recent commission. This follows up the LP Cover artwork I did for the album several months ago. This time the band wanted a similar design by for a 7" release. The story behind the image relates to a childhood memory of one of the band members (Martin Bradstreet). The process was essentially a crayon etching in digital form. A layer of selected colours on a bottom layer and then I used a custom eraser tool to carefully etch out the crows in a black top layer, exposing the colour beneath. took a couple of days. Very enjoyable commission. The music of the band is pretty Awesome too!
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Movie Character Art: Commissioner Gordon
I thought I'd do a piece of Movie art and after about my 5th watch of The Dark night Rises, commissioner Gordon stood out.
I see Commissioner Gordon as not only one of the central characters but arguably the most important Character of the third movie, after Batman of course. The process for this one is pretty simple. Straight black paint brush Illustration with varied brushes, opacity and flow. Then I made a textured background with some simple filter techniques and a bit of color experimentation and hey-preto as they say. Overall time to complete around 6 hours. I really enjoyed this one and I think the piece captures the moment and the character well. I hope to find time to do some more 'Dark Knight' character portraits between, commissions and Uni work.
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Penguin Design Award 2013 'The Big Sleep'
This is an early design I came up with for the Penguin Design Award 2013. This years novel detective story, 'The Big Sleep'.
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
T-Shirt Series: Omar Little
One of four potential T-shirt 'character' designs that I completed for a admission to Threadless.com.
T-Shirt Series: Nucky
This one is the third of my four Anti-hero T-Shirt designs. Those of you who watch the AMC series Boardwalk Empire will recognise the character Enoch 'Nucky' Thompson, played
by Steve Buscemi.
Friday, 28 December 2012
T-Shirt Series: Dexter
This Dexter T-Shirt design is possibly not as strong as some of the others but I think I captured the sinister nature of the character pretty well.
Monday, 26 November 2012
T-Shirt Series: Breaking Bad (Heisenberg)
Hey guys, Many of you will probably know the Character 'Walter White' or Heisenberg fro the AMC T.V series 'Breaking bad'. If not then you may recognise the actor Bryan Cranston from his other Hit T.V series 'Malcom in The Middle or Movies such as 'Drive and 'Little Miss Sunshine'. The piece was intended to be entered into the 'Threadless' Tishirt design competition but May require some finishing touches before entry. I have given a little information on each stage of the process starting at the end of the post, so you'll have to scroll down to the bottom if you want to follow it step by step.
7) Finally I just had the task of layering the portrait with the background design. This just involved playing with The Levels, saturation, vibrance, hue as well a the layer type. In the end I decided to make the Flames layer invisible, by changing it to 'Multiply'. I then played with the colours for a long time before finally deciding on a colour and level of vibrance. Initially the aqua colour was really bold and I think it domineered the piece rather than aiding the overall design. By lowering the lightness, hue and saturation i was able to have Hiesenberg's face only partially obscured by flame, as was my original intention.
6) I hadn't done any flames in Photoshop before so I did a quick tutorial to get the hang of it. The process was surprisingly simple (kind of) I picked three colours, white, very light blue and aqua blue the drew three thick straight vertical lines all next to each other. I Then used the smudge tool (at around %55 strength) to disperse the colours in a rough smoke/vapor-like form. This was the most time consuming part. I then chose -Filter-liquify and went over the flame ever so slightly with the liquify tool. This helped me get the thin, sharp, flame like edges.
5) To get an Idea of what type of background would look good I grabbed a few samples of google images . I wanted to have blue flames or 'Meth' smoke/vapor as a background to the piece would look complete and people would easily be able to understand the reference.

4)After Adding the third layer of Tone. I finished the beard detail as well as the glasses, beard and shadow. Then I just cleaned up all the edges and any excess spray marks.

3) I upped the saturation and opacity to around 75% and dropped the paint flow down to %30. I mainly used the airbrush tool with a realistic 'spray' brush preset for all the tone work and a square brush preset to the beard detail and other line work. I used a soft colour pallet for this piece but altered the levels at the end of the process to get a darker overall look.

1) I started by sketching out The outlines and adding some lines for wrinkles, and beard texture. Again I am using A wacom intuos 4 (small) graphic tablet with a combination of CS4. Using a few photo references I then drew the basic lines and added some soft base colours. I wanted to make this portrait more realistic than the previous (Nucky Thompson) one, as It will possibly be entered into a T-shirt design competition and the the Character will need to be easily recognisable.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
TV Portait Series: Boardwalk Empire.
Hey guys, a lot of the work I have been posting recently has been from my degree course, which doesn't always indicate the kind of work and subject matter I like to tackle. I'm therefor going to start posting one or two pieces of my personal art every week. At the moment i'm into portraits and some of my main influences, (besides fellow artists) are characters from film, T.V, musicians, and athletes. Expect to see some more digital portraits up over the next few months. Being a fan of both the 1920's prohibition era, the 'Gangster' genre and the actor Steve Buscemi I thought My first of this ongoing portrait series could be the character 'Nucky Thompson' from HBO's 'Boardwalk Empire'. In addition to these portraits I am also happy to do requests, so If theres an actor, T.V/Film character that you would like to see Illustrated, send me a message. Thanks and I hope you enjoy.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Character Illustration
This is a character Illustration is one of many I did recently for an article entitled "paying the bill". You will probably notice the distinct Ralph Steadman-like style. Illustration drawn with paint brush, airbrush and pencil tools on a Wacom graphic tablet in Photoshop CS5.
One of my first digital drawings using my new Wacom Intuos 4 graphic tablet. Will take me a while to learn all the in and outs but looking forward to spending a lot of time using it over the next year. Rorschach has to be my favourite of all the watchman characters and Jackie Earle Haley did a great job bring one of Alan Moores finest characters to the big screen.
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