Tuesday 12 June 2012

'Falling Down"

This Illustration was Also made with self promotion in mind, specifically a bbisness card design. I decided to go with a different design. (one that didn't include a gun in the illustration) as I though It might send the wrong message. This Illustrattion is from the the (1993) Micheal Douglas film, 'Falling Down' In which a frustrated white collar buisnessman, devorsed from his wife and child, loses his job and goes on a violent rampage in the city of los Angeles. It's a quality film for those of you who haven't seen it, and dispite the violent and dark synopsis, there actually quite a few laughs to be had too. The doughnuts reference is a nod to the scene in which douglas (Bill Foster) flips out in a Korean convienience store and interogates the owner about the inflated prices of his merchandise. hence "Doughnuts, package of six, how much" "$1:12"....."To much..."

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